If you've wasted your time checking out my blog lately, I apologize. I've been absent. It turns out that things get really busy and no matter how much I want to take the time to write a bit, it just doesn't happen. Here are some things that have been going on in my life lately. This might help explain why I've been so absent. It might not. Take it or leave it.
1. My sister and (almost) 3-year old nephew have been staying with C and I for about 3 months. Life with a 3-year old is so much more than I ever imagined. I'm not committing to whether it's a "good" more or "bad" more.
2. My grandmother is not well. Please pray for my amazing mother who spends every weekend driving 2 hours each way to be with her and help ease some of the load from my grandfather. Please pray for my Grandpa to get some rest through all this. And mostly, please pray for my Gma's comfort and peace as she goes through this time.
3. I'm going back to Spain next week. Our project is (hopefully) coming to a close, which means one more trip to Barcelona. Please pray that my nephew doesn't destroy my house and my husband actually eats more than fast food while I'm gone. :)
4. A co-worker is out of the office for the entire month of October, and I'm his back-up. I love being busy at work, but this is getting a little crazy.
5. My neighbor's dog is barking loudly at 11:00 at night. Okay, so this isn't an ongoing problem, but it's a little more than annoying given the time and the fact that he rarely barks this late or is even outside right now.
6. C and I are going to India! We booked flights this past weekend. We have our Visa's in hand. It's happening. And if I thought planning a trip to France last summer in only 5-weeks was stressful, it's nothing compared to trying to book a trip to India. Luckily we have a little more planning time, but not much.
7. I've begun volunteering for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kansas City. I have filled out my paper work and completed my interviews. Now I'm just waiting to be matched with a kid. So excited to see what God has in store for me and my little!
So that's my top 7 list of things going on in our life. I'll try to post once in awhile, but with the holidays coming up and no end in sight on the majority of things keeping us busy right now, my absence might be a little while longer. Please forgive me. And if you're the praying type, please remember to keep my Grandparents and mother in your prayers.
Thank you for being a faithful reader even when I fail you.