1. My birthday is in the summer.
2. The days are longer, leaving more time for outdoor fun!
3. Fresh, colorful food is abundant!
Chase and I have tried really hard this summer season to take advantage of fresh and locally grown foods. And when I say local, I mean local. Remember my garden a few months ago?
Look at it now! I wish I had a better picture but I took this at night, right before a heat wave hit here. In all honesty, it's been looking a little sad and hot the past few days.
Chase and I have a goal to make it up to the City Market at least once this summer. So far, this hasn't worked out. Luckily, we have lots of smaller farmers markets and stands around our neighborhood. Last weekend we went driving around in search of some goodies and scored all this! (Okay, obviously the beer didn't come from a farmers market, BUT it is from a LOCAL brewery, and it's from our favorite little liquor store down the street. Also, all those zucchini in the background came out of my garden!
On Wednesday evenings, there's a single man stand in the YMCA parking lot from 5-7. His food is all organic and hand picked from a farm in Belton. The past few times I've stopped by, I've only picked up one or two things because I was leaving that weekend and didn't want anything to go bad. But tonight I scored all this for $7. The green peppers were 3 for $1!!! Those cost almost $1 for 1 at the grocery store. And I'm extremely excited to cook an eggplant for the first time.
What's your favorite farmer's market?
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