Cheesecake is delicious. I’ve heard there are people that don’t like cheesecake. But frankly, I don’t want to know those people. I think those people must be crazy.
Chase and I love the Cheesecake Factory. We don’t eat there a lot, but when we do, there are always 2 items we order: Tex-Mex Eggrolls and Cheesecake. And every time we go there, Chase complains that they no longer have his favorite flavor of cheesecake, Coffee Heath Bar. Maybe if he complained to the Cheesecake Factory people instead of me they might put it back on the menu. Possibly?
A few weeks ago, I’d been pretty stressed out and unfortunately took most of that stress out on Chase since he’s the one that vowed to love me for better or worse. This was definitely one of those “worse” weeks. I felt bad and wanted to do something special for him, so when I found this recipe I thought it was the perfect opportunity to break in my new and completely unused spring form pan, and show my husband that I do love him, even when I’m cranky.
If you’ve never made cheesecake before, you should look up some tips before proceeding. I did not follow this advice. I just mixed the ingredients and threw the thing in the oven like I would have with any cake or cookies. This huge crack across my cheesecake is what ensued. Luckily there was a chocolate topping poured over the top that filled the crater.
Even though it didn’t look as pretty as it could have, it still tasted delicious. Use this as an excuse to have friends over, because I make no claim to the healthiness of this dessert and do not condone eating the whole thing on your own. Or bribe your neighbors into doing favors for you in exchange for cheesecake. That’s what we did.
Heath Bar Cheesecake (adapted from
2 c. graham cracker crumbs
3 tbsp. melted butter
8 Heath toffee candy bars (I think these come with 2 per package in the candy aisle)
3 tbsp. instant coffee crystals
3 (8 oz.) pkgs. cream cheese
1 c. sugar
4 eggs
1 tbsp. vanilla
1 1/3 c. Heavy Cream
6 oz. chocolate chips
Early in day, combine cookie crumbs and butter and press into 9 inch springform pan. Chop 4 candy bars in food processor and sprinkle over crust. Heat 1/2 cup cream until just warm enough to dissolve coffee crystals. Set aside.
In large bowl of electric mixer, beat cream cheese and sugar until blended. Beat in 1/2 cup cream, eggs and vanilla. Add coffee cream mixture and continue beating until smooth. Pour into crust. Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour and 15 minutes. (Mine had to bake for closer to 1 hour and 45 minutes but I think it was a little more liquidy than it should have been).
Meanwhile, combine chocolate chips and remaining 1/3 cup cream in saucepan over low heat. Stir until dissolved. Spread over cooked, cooled cheesecake. Garnish with remaining crumbled candy bars.
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